When Sharing on Social Media Goes Wrong…

Recently, Kim Kardashian has been all over the news after being robbed during Fashion Week in Paris.  No matter what a person may feel about her and her family, no person deserves to be put in that situation.  It is hard to defend her or be surprised by this event when almost every move she makes is blasted across social media.

Police chief spokesperson, Johanna Primevart, announced they believe that her heavy social media presence made her the perfect target.  While she was in Paris, she continuously posted about what she was wearing, which shows she was attending, and all of her other activities.

The Kardashian family have decided to reevaluate their social media habits unfortunately after such a horrific experience happened to her.  Everyone wants to share their fabulous experiences, but everything does not have to be shared at the exact moment things happen.

There are a lot of things that do not add up about the whole situation, and who is to say that it would not have happened even if she did not post as often.  As much as I try not to post when I am going on vacation, it is hard to keep quiet and not share my GoPro pics as soon as I return to the hotel for the evening.  This is a good reminder to people that every move doesn’t need to be documented in real time.

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